Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Auburn Christian Church seeks to make disciples both in Auburn, Nebraska and around the world!
Here is a list of some of the ministries that we are continuing to support.
Here is a list of some of the ministries that we are continuing to support.

Marc & Tina Gebhard // Pioneer Bible Translators
The Gebhard Family has been serving the Lele People of Guinea, West Africa for nearly 20 years. Marc and Tina met at Nebraska Christian College, and have been married since 1993. Their work among the Lele people in Guinea includes Bible translation work, medical mission work, well drilling and much more. The Gebhard’s serve with Pioneer Bible Translators. Marc and Tina have four kids: Timothy, David, Sarah and Grace. See more about the work of PBT at: pioneerbible.org.

Tory & Kara Satter // 3:18 Ministries
The Satter Family has been serving the people of the San Carlos Apache nation in Globe, Arizona for more than 20 years. They seek to meet needs, mentor students, help families and share Jesus. Keep up with the latest news regarding 3:18 Ministries on their Website: 3:18 Ministries.
Zach Shackelford & Jess Thienel // Christian Student Fellowship
In 2013, Christian Student Fellowship decided to expand the outreach of their campus ministry to the campus of Peru State College. As this is a college that is ACC’s backyard, we decided to help make this happen. ACC has been played a big role in helping this campus ministry get off the ground. The Wednesday gathering has grown by leaps and bounds, and many small groups meet for regular discipleship. Read more about the campus outreaches taking place on all of Nebraska’s college campuses: CSF Unleashed.

Jeremy Befort // New International
Jeremy has been working to disciple the people of Romania for 20+ years. He and his wife Oana live stateside with their two kids, and Jeremy travels to Romania several times each year to connect in person with those that he disciples online throughout the year. Find out more about Jeremy and his sending agency at: New International.

Alpha Christian Children's Home
Alpha Christian Children's Home is located in Perry, Kansas, and seeks to give orphans and troubled youth the good news of Jesus and a home with caring Christians who love them unconditionally. Hear more about the work of Alpha on their website: Alpha Christian Children's Home.

For God's Children International
Joel Burkum has led this outreach to Eastern Europe with one thing in mind: to serve "the least of these." Much of the ministry of FGCI is focused in Romania and Moldova, and they also operate the Camp of the Good Shepherd in Louisville, NE. For more on the work of FGCI, visit their website: FGCI.

Ozark Christian College
Ozark Christian College has been training men and women for Christian ministry and service for more than 75 years. Their work has mostly been undergraduate thru their history, but Ozark just recently added a large about of graduate level offerings as they merged with Lincoln Christian Seminary. No matter where the Lord is calling you in ministry, Ozark will help equip you with the tools needed to serve Christ and His church. For more info, visit their website: Ozark Christian College.

Deaf Missions
For nearly 50 years, Deaf Missions has been working to make the Gospel known to the deaf. Deaf Missions works in many countries, and publishes resources in many different mediums for the deaf. One of their largest accomplishments was the recent completion of a visual translation of the Bible for the deaf. Read more about the great work of Deaf Missions by visiting their website: Deaf Missions.

Camp Nebowa
Nebowa Christian Camp is located on the shores of Blue Lake just outside of Onawa, Iowa. Nebowa offers camps throughout the summer for all ages. Their good work continues as a cooperative of the Christian churches of Nebraska and Iowa, which is where the name Nebowa comes from. Find out more about their camps and their mission at their website: Camp Nebowa.
There are other ministries that our church supports, but which are not listed here, due to the sensitive nature of their work and the fields they work in.
SOS Fund
Several years ago, our "SomeOne Special" fund was started with helping people in need, both in our church and in the community. As our members give to the SOS Fund, we are able to meet the needs of local people in a variety of ways. Give to the SOS fund to help meet these local needs!
Mission of the Month
Each month, our church features one of our missions as a special focus for our giving and prayer. We encourage each of our members to be actively learning about, praying for and giving toward God's work in the world.