
At ACC, we seek to be led, first and foremost, by Jesus, the head of the Church. We also recognize the need that the church has for local leadership by Godly men and women. We seek to follow the examples of church leadership found in the book of Acts and the prescriptions for leadership found in Paul’s epistles of 1 Timothy and Titus. We want you to get to know our leaders and they want to get to know you. They are all here to serve and minister to you.

Our Pastors & Staff

Nate Powell

Lead Pastor

Nate joined the staff at ACC in 2011 as the Associate Pastor of Youth and Worship, and shifted into the role of Lead Pastor in June 2019. He preaches each Sunday, leads worship and serves to shepherd the flock at ACC. He is an alumni of Nebraska Christian College (BA in Missions, 1996) and Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (MTS in Preaching/Pastoral Care, 2016). He has served churches in the area of youth ministry for 20+ years. Nate has been married to his wife Jodi since 1994, and they have 3 kids: Emma, Grace & Elijah.

Nate’s favorite verse is John 15:5:
“Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.”

Zach Shackelford

Youth Pastor

Zach joined the ACC staff in 2020 as our Youth Pastor. Zach oversees all of our Middle School and High School ministries and discipleship. Zach brings several years of youth ministry experience from Brookside Church, his home church in Omaha. He has attended school at Wayne State College. Zach is also serving as the campus pastor for Christian Student Fellowship at Peru State College. Zach & his wife Lauren have been married since 2019. They have a son, born in 2022, named Brooks.

Zach's favorite verse is 1 Corinthians 3:11:
"No one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ."

Janell Kellett

Office Manager

Janell has served as our Office Manager since 2013. She and her husband Stan live in Auburn. 

Kelly McMann


Kelly started serving ACC as our custodian in 2024.


Quentin Bowen

Lorne Covington

Bob Holman

Steve Nelson

Todd Zimmerman

Nate Powell

Deacons & Deaconesses

Andrew Askins

Eli Davidson

Denny Blount

Skyler Brandt

Amy Clark

Lavell Clark

Harold Silvey

Stacey Cook

Scott Epler

Mike Henrichs

Linda Nies

Nancy Holman

Mary Jane Williams

Lanny Williams